Building Community Power
Public health will be able to make greater gains in achieving health equity through shifting and sharing power with communities that experience marginalization. Looking for the full Course 9? Access Course 9 here.
Purpose and Overview
To make material progress towards health equity, public health needs to support community-led efforts to shift and reclaim power. To do this, public health must shift away from traditional community engagement practices and towards deeper community relationships, power sharing, and organizing. This course will: 1) examine public health’s traditional relationship with communities, and its limitations; 2) discuss types of community engagement, and ways to move towards more community-led approaches; and 3) share community power building and community organizing strategies and practices, and define ways public health practitioners and institutions can support these approaches in their work.
Course 9 Highlights
Next Steps
Learn together about the roots of health inequity by starting a group for your organization. Our course provides step-by-step guidance on how to facilitate healthy dialogue and exploration.
Enroll in the Independent Learners group and complete the course with a community of learners interested in health equity.